Class Room
Class Room
ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY & PATHOPHYSIOLOGY LAB: This laboratory consists of bones, human skeleton model, various charts and models of brain, ear, human digestive system etc, which once visually encountered will help a student to grasp the basics of the Ayurvedic profession
Drava Guna Lab
Kriya Sharir Lab
Roga Nidan Lab
Dravya Guna Lab 2
Rachna Sharir Lab 2
Anatomy Lab
THE HERBAL GARDEN The college comprises of a beautifully landscaped medicinal garden consisting of more than 125 plants of medicinal importance like Vinca rosea, Ocimum sanctum, Rouwolfia serpentina, Foeniculum vulgare, Coriandrum sativum, Saraca indica, Datura innoxia,Mentha spicata, Gossypium harbaceum, Olea europoea, Ricinus communis, Elettaria cardamomum, Curcuma longa, Azadirachta indica, Tribulus terrestris, Asparagus racemosus etc